Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How does nature protect and nurture?

As the process of concept development continues, I am finding the original metaphor being "How does nature attract attention?" is becoming less fitting for the solution the design aims to achieve. The common theme that links the building to the folly remains the idea of "neglect" and that this site goes unnoticed and has been neglected over time. 

Because I have decided to incorporate the design of an educational facility focusing on children with special needs I feel that the metaphor is shifting towards the idea of how nature would NURTURE and PROTECT? This metaphor is also highly relevant to the site and the focus on neglect as protection and nurturing both counteract neglect. 

In the process of researching ways in which nature would protect and nurture I discovered the organism known as the Cercopoidea. This insect produces a layer of BUBBLES in order to PROTECT it from predators and to provide thermal and moisture control thereby NURTURING the nymph as without this it would quickly dry up and die. 


I think that bubbles could create a simple yet effective metaphor for the design of this building in a number of different ways. Children with special needs will have widely varying needs and therefore a range of different spaces and environments will need to be created. They should be separate spaces yet at the same time joined as one. A bubble form could provide a form based metaphor for the architectural program and layout of the different learning spaces. 

The bubble structure could also be useful in creating a sustainable solutions for the building. This insect uses its bubble covering to provide thermal comfort and I would like to look further into how I could achieve this through using materials such as ETFE which could provide daylighting, heating and cooling. Natural light and a comfortable environment are both extremely important aspects of a positive learning experience. 

Watercube National Swimming Centre / PTW Architects Courtesy of Flickr CC License / Kyle Simourd

The Water Cube Aquatics Centre in Beijing is an example of a building which has used both ETFE and inspiration driven by bubble to create a building with both substantially sustainable qualities and incredible beauty. 

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